Friday, August 5, 2011

Georgia: The Upcoming Return

I apologize for the blog hiatus this summer, however, another year in Georgia begins on August 27th when I begin the 4 flight, 48 hour odyssey that will take me back to Batumi. Another year of learning, living, and loving commences then. Hopefully, there will be just as much if not more to write about this time around.

Despite my absence from Georgia, everyday someone asks about it and I think about it often. It really became apart of me more than I had realized. The same thing happened with Israel. I am actually looking forward to going back, but I need to remember that things will not be the same. That is something I struggled with when I returned to Zion this summer. Last month I lead the book discussion at the library on Dato Turashvili's Flight from USSR, and next week I get to give a presentation on Georgia for the community. People here seem more excited about it than I am. If anyone has suggestions on areas that I should cover, please let me know. I want to focus on what will interest people.

As for the past months in Zion, they can be summarized as follows:

  • Swimming
  • Working
  • Sleeping
  • Cleaning the pool
  • Baking
Of course, more then that happened, but you get the idea. My Israel travel journal remains undone, which is one of the top things I hoped to accomplish this summer. I have 3 weeks still, but in that time spending time with friends is the priority.