As I write this I am sitting in the Frederic Chopin International Airport in Warsaw, Poland, trying to warm up after a cold day of exploring the city. I am en route to Tbilisi, and I should be in Batumi in about 13 hours. Fingers crossed.
Anyway...I received several comments while in the United States about how people want to see more blog posts. During last term I didn't write much simply because everything was very similar to the year before. Consequently, I am opening up topics to you. What would like to read about? Are there areas of Georgian culture or life that you are interested in and I have not addressed? Put a note in the comments section, and I will get to it write away.
Hi Charlotte! I am a soon to be TLGer and I stumbled upon your blog and find it to be quite useful. I would love to be able to email with you. ( Thanks!